Türk-Yunan İlişkilerinde NATO'nun Tutumu ve Bunun Türkiye-NATO İlişkilerine Yansımaları
Turkey together with Greece was taken in NATO which was established in 1949 asmember in 1952. Both countries have been in painful ally relationships in NATO,especially since 1954, aftermath of the Cyprus issue, which put dividing lines betweenthem.Greece has felt uneasy regarding with NATO‟s alleged stand on the Turkish side onCyprus issues. She complained about the reason that NATO did nothing to prevent theTurkish intervention to Cyprus in 1974 and left from NATO‟s military structure. NATOreadmitted Greece back in 1980. After that, Greece has always been in uncompromisingattitude related to her problems with Turkey, and want NATO to stay on her side. Shehas always been in a position to say, Turkey is a main threat to Greece and wantedNATO to give her additional assurances.