Kurşun Dioksit In Karbon Esaslı Elektrotlar Üzerine Kurşun (Iı) Çözeltileri Içinde Elektrokimyasal Biriktirilmesi
In this study, lead dioxide (PbO2) films, as anode materials of soluble lead acid redox flow batteries, were electrochemically deposited on Pt, Glassy Carbon, Grafite and Carbon Felt electrodes in the presence of methanesulfonic acid, perchloric acid and fluoroboric acid in aqueouse and various mixtures of water acetonitrile solutions. Electrochemically deposited PbO2 films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, SEM-EDX and XRD methods. Charge discharge characteristics of PbO2 films were examined by galvanostatic charge discharge tests via chronopotentiometric techniques. After PbO2 were electrochemically deposited, the ion effect on charge discharge capacities were investigated.In conclusion, in the presence of methane sulfonic acid and lead methanesulfate in %50 of water acetonitrile media, charge discharge capacity of electrodes, especially Carbon Felt electrodes, were improved. Considering SEM photos and XRD data of obtained PbO2 films,