İnsan Serum Albümin Baskılanmış Eş Boyutlu Manyetik Poli(Glisidil Metakrilat) Partiküller
In this thesis, a new approach, combining metal-coordination with molecular imprinting technology, was developed to prepare protein affinity materials. Magnetic poly(glycidylmethacrylate) (m-PGMA) beads in monosize form (1.7 μm in diameter) were used for specific recognition towards the target protein. The m-PGMA beads were prepared by dispersion polymerization in the presence of Fe3O4 nano-powder. Surface imprinted m-PGMA based on metal coordination was prepared and used for the selective recognition of human serum albumin (HSA). Iminodiaceticacid (IDA) was used as metal coordinating monomer and HSA molecule was anchored by Cu2+ on the surface of m-PGMA by metal coordination.