Dezenfektan Amaçlı Kullanılan Nadcc Ve Kalsiyum Hipoklorit Içerikli Efervesan Tabletlerin Üretim Prosesinin Geliştirilmesi
Disinfection studies and researches have been proceeding for years and new developments in this research area had been very effective for health and medicinal science. In the light of these studies, many different disinfectant compounds had been developed for various purposes. The most frequently used disinfectants are chemical compounds that contain oxidizing agents like chlorine or oxygen. Especially chlorine gas or hypochlorites that contain free active chlorine in their solutions, which can be an alternative to chlorine gas, are commonly used for disinfection of drinking and waste waters, at swimming pools and thermal springs and in most industrial water systems. Like the rest of the world, sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) tablets which can provide restrained free active chlorine release in water and has more stable structure than Ca(OCl)2, are also used for disinfection in various areas in our country. Although NaDCC tablets are frequently used, there haven’t been any studies done or attempted to get a patent for development of production of these disinfectant tablets. For this reason the purpose of this study is to develop a production process of effervescent tablets that contains NaDCC. In the course of production of NaDCC, chlorine gas is used to convert sodium salt of the synthesized cyanuric acid to NaDCC. So the excess of the chlorine gas is used to react with both, Ca(OH)2 to produce Ca(OCl)2 which is also used as a disinfectant agent, and NaOH to produce NaOCl which is also known as bleach and again used as a disinfectant. Another purpose of this study is to prepare the products as effervescent tablets to increase the handling and usefulness of products. The final aim of this study is developing a low cost process which provides production of NaDCC and Ca(OCl)2 effervescent tablets.