Türkiye Sivrisinek Faunası Üzerine Dna Barkodlama Yöntemiyle Moleküler Analizler
Turkey is situated in a geography that has favourable environmental conditions for mosquito born infectious diseases. These organisms have to be thoroughly investigated mainly because mosquito species of Anatolia are proven or suspected vectors. Uncertainties on mosquito taxonomy and scarcity of sufficient information on the mosquito species of the country makes it necessary to make an up-to-date revision of the fauna of Turkey. The objective of this study is to reduce this lack of information, using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene, which is accepted as the universal DNA barcode for the animal kingdom, and list the mosquito species present in Turkey.During this study, 6318 samples were collected from 34 cities and identified morphologically. 1015 were chosen from within and their identifications were confirmed analysing mitochondrial COI gene sequences.