Psikolojik Stres İle Kortikal Yayılan Depresyon Uyarılma Eşiği İlişkisi ve İlgili Mekanizmaları
Migraine is suggested to belinked to cortical spreading depression (CSD), thus CSD is used to model migraine inexperimental animals. Migraine is frequently comorbid with depression and anxiety,two disorders that are associated with chronic stress; moreover migraine headache canbe triggered by stress. Glucocorticoids or noradrenaline can mediate the effect ofstress. In this study, we aimed to define the effects of psychological stress on CSDinduction threshold, and its relevant mechanisms. CSD induction threshold wasdetected by placing a cotton ball soaked with increasing KCl concentrations between0.05 to 0.15 M on the dura with 5 minutes intervals. Two electrodes were placed onthe parietal bone in order to record DC potential.