Hemşirelerin Duygusal Emek, Duygusal Özyeterlik ve Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Duygusal Habitus Bağlamında Incelenmesi
This study was carried out in two stages with the purpose of the investigation of nurses' emotional labour, emotional self-efficacy and burnout levels in the context of emotional habitus. Clinic and chief nurses of Hacettepe University Hospitals constituted the population of this study. In the first stage of study; Nursing Information Form, Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale (SES), Emotional Labour Scale (ELS) and Maslach Burnout Scale (MBS) were applied to participating 350 nurses. According to findings of this study it was found out that nurses went through high level “emotional exhaustion”, medium level “depersonalization”, low level “personal accomplishment” and had medium level emotional self-efficacy sense. It was determined that there was a positively relationship between emotional labour and its sub-dimensions surface acting and emotional effort and depersonalization levels, also there was same relationship between surface acting and emotional exhaustion. Besides, it was determined that there was a negative relationship between emotional self-efficacy sense and emotional exhaustion and depersonalization but there was a positive relationship between personal accomplishment. Additionally, there was a positive relationship between emotional self-efficacy sense between deep acting, emotional effort and suppression of real emotions. It was determined that meaningful discrepancies were found in burnout levels of nurses according to sociodemographic, their working and choice of profession characteristics (p<.05). In the second stage of this study, semi- structured thorough individual interviews were made with 39 nurses of 201 with the high level of burnout. With content analysis emotional habitus, problem areas for emotional habitus, results of these problem areas, optimal behavior in expressing feelings of nurses and related to suggestions to gain these statements total twenty themes were reached. Consequently, to constitute a strategy in preventing and coping with burnout syndrome; it has been proposed that together with management emotions, emotional self-efficacy and emotional labour concepts, awareness training programmes and course contents about emotional habitus should be arranged.