Dârendeli Kâtipzâde Bekâyî-Maktel-i Hüseyn (İnceleme-Tenkitli Metin-Sözlük Dizin)
This thesis in which we explicate the work of literature entitled Maktel-i Hüseyn (Kitâb-ı Kerbelâ) by Darendeli Bekâyî comprises an introduction and three chapters. In the introduction which has two subtitles, it is by giving overarching information about the Karbala event, Maktel, and the tradition of Maktel-i Hüseyn versification that the writings about the Karbala from Arabic, Persian and Turkish literatures are mentioned. The first chapter delves into the poet s life, literary aspects, and his work. The second chapter of the thesis sheds light upon the text (in terms of form, subject matter, and language), and the work is compared to the one entitled Hadîkatü s-Süedâ by Fuzûlî in detail in terms of form and content. In the third chapter, the criticised text is presented by explaining the way we prepare the document translation after introducing the various copies of the work. At the end of the thesis, there is a concluding part in which the relevant information and findings..