Üstün Yetenekli Çocukların Eğitim Süreçlerinde Kültürel ve Sosyal Sermaye: Ankara Bilsem Örneği
In this research the role of cultural and social capital in the process of education of gifted children were examined. Cultural and social capital theories were examined in the study. Theoretical and conceptual framework of social and cultural capital was explained; superior skill, superior skill training and cultural and social capital relationship with education has been defined. This research is a descriptive field study using a combination of quantitative-qualitative methods within mixed methods. In this context, a survey was applied 303 gifted children studying in Yasemin KARAKAYA and Mamak Science and Art Centers (SAC) in Ankara province; depth interviews with a total of 10 participants including administrators, teachers and parents were made.In the study one of the indicators of cultural and social capital living with family, number of siblings, professions and education levels of family members, status of relatives graduated from higher education, professions of parents’ ...