Çaldıran Savaşının 18.Yüzyıl Yorumu: Cihil Sütun Sarayı Kabul Salonundaki Duvar Resmi
The subject of the thesis is the mural paintings of Chihil Sutun palace in Isfahan and specially the mural of Chaldoran battlefield. Other founded paintings of the painter Aka Sadik Sadik El-Vad has discussed in the text through 18. century Iran paintings. The main subject is the Chaldoran battlefield mural in the audience hall of Chihil sutun.The reasons of paint a failure ended battle scene is discussed in the text. The acceptance of Shi'ism on behalf of the "Turkaman" states like the Safavids and relying on Shia concepts like the case of "Karbala" has given a new purport to the word "oppressed" and it has blazoned the unequal and victimized failure as a kind of victory.