Seri Evlilik Yapan Bireylerin İlk ve İkinci Evlliğini Yapmış Bireyler ile Nesne İlişkileri, Yansıtmacı Özdeşleşim,Savunma Mekanizmalarının Düzeyi, Psikolojik Belirtiler ve İlişki DoyumuAçısından Karşılaştırılması: Nesne İlişkileri Çift Terapisi Modeli Çerçevesinde Bir İnceleme
The purpose of the study is to compare serial marriers with first and second marriers in terms of object relations, projective identification, level of defence mechanisms, psychological symptoms and relationship satisfaction. Sample of this study is consisted of 182 indivuals who got married three or more times and twice (post-divorce) and once that have had at least 5 years of marriage. For this purpose, Bell Object Relations and Reality Testing Inventory, Paulson Daily Living Inventory, Defence Style Questionnaire-40, Symptom Assessment Questionnaire-45, Relationship Assessment Scale were given to the participants. Results indicated that, serial marriers had statiscially higher scores on alienation, insecure attachment and egocentricity subscales than both first and second marriers. Similarly, it was seen that serial marriers had higher points on subscale of reality distortions than first marriers and on subscale of uncertanity of perception than both first and second marriers.