Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi ve Eserleri Arasındaki Benzerlikler
The two giant composers of the 19th century who were ruling the operaworld,seem to be coming from completely different backrounds and traditions:Richard Wagner from Germany, Giuseppe Verdi from Italy. One was influencedby Weber, Beethoven and Meyerbeer and the other one by Rossini, Bellini andDonizetti. One has composed operas that were built on myths and the otherone has chosen Shakespeare s, Lord Byron s and Schiller s Works instead.One has because of his concept of opera has written his own librettos and theother one has chosen his Librettists quite carefully. One was born in a majorcity in Germany and the other one in a village in Italy. One was believed to be aGerman Cult admirer and the other one a religious christian. One was a famouswomaniser and the other one a faithful husband.