The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of consumer ethnocentrism and consumer affinity on intention to puchase foreign products. Germany and German products were selected for the analysis and the effects were examined using multiple regression and multiple regression with interaction terms analysis through with data gathered from 314 participants from Ankara.
Findings of the study shows that the higher the consumer ethnocentrism the lower the intention to purchase foreign products. Moreover, for Turkish consumers, the consumer affinity for Germany has direct and positive effect on the intention to buy German products. Nevertheless, when the effects of consumer ethnocentrism, consumer affinity and product judgment on intention to purchase German products were examined jointly, the results indicates that, the consumer ethnocentism has the most effective one which is negatively effect the purchase intention. The second effective factor is product judgment which has positive effect on purchase intention. Lastly consumer affinity has the least effective one among others. Moreover, consumer affinity has moderating role on the relationship between ethnocentrism and foreign product purchase intention. The findings revealed that the negative effect of the consumer ethnocentrism on the foreign product purchase intention decreases when the level of consumer affinity is high.
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