Siber Suç Korkusu ve Önlem Alma Stratejileri: Ankara'daki Teknokentler Örneği
Cybercrimes are becoming increasingly widespread in today's emerging science and technology world and are becoming one of the most important issues that may pose serious threats not only to individuals but also to communities, organizations and states. In the face of such a serious threat affecting almost every segment of society, from individuals to groups and from organizations to governments, it is also natural and possible for individuals to be afraid and develop certain strategies to take precautions. In this context, this study focuses on fear of cybercrime and precaution taking strategies. At the study, a survey was conducted with the employees of four Teknoparks (ODTÜ Teknokent, Bilkent Cyberpark, Hacettepe Teknokent and Gazi Technopark) located in Ankara, Turkey. Quantitative data obtained at the survey were analyzed using SPSS package program and hypotheses were tested. At the end of the study, it is reached that there is a fear of cybercrime on Teknopark employees in Ankara and majority of the participants developed middle and upper level precaution taking strategies. At the study a significant relationship is found between fear of certain types of cybercrime and the participants' gender, educational status, previous cybercrime victimization, finding the precautions taken enough and perceptions about legal regulations, law enforcement and judicial units related to cybercrimes. It is also concluded at the study that there is a significant relationship between the participants' some precaution taking strategies in the electronic devices they used at work and out of work.