This research aims to uncover the behaviors of helicopter parents from middle and upper-middle class, the difference of these behaviors from other types of parents, and the results of these behaviors in the context of happiness and life satisfaction of their children on their adult life. Analysis has been performed on parenting attitudes and its relations with the problems in family life, work life and social life. Qualitative research method and phenomenology design was applied in this research. 12 participants were interviewed in dept and questions were asked in order to reveal the attitudes of their parents and their own lives. As the result of the analysis conducted on the interviews, it was found that the Y generation with helicopter parents do not find themselves successful, cannot set goals with self-realization purposes, and are not satisfied with their work lives and lives in general. The 7 women and 5 men who participated in our research have been educated in the most prestigious institutions on their parents will. Their education has been supported by various trainings and courses. However it was found that their life standards and conditions do not fulfil their expectations. It was found, as a result that, the protective attitudes and competitive ambitions of the helicopter parents have positive effects on the academic success of their children but have negative socio-psychological impacts.
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