Türk Toplumunda Askeri Değerlerin Karşılığı Üzerine Bir Araştırma
In this study, the degree of Turkish males’, who are at the age of military service or cadet, ownership of the military values which are requested by TAF from its personnel in Internal Service Law and Regulation is studied. The main purpose of this study is to examine the gap between military and the society that TAF is founded of, recruit from and eventually served to by using military values.
Data is derived in in-depth interview of 18 Turkish males who are at the age of military service or cadet by using semi – structured interview form. In this regard, firstly the concept of civil – military gap, military culture and Turkish military culture is studied.
Later in the study, the change in TAF is studied by using the 11 criteria of Moskos’s model (2000). The aim of this section is to determine whether there are any core changes in TAF in the face of internal and external forces of transformation, primarily like new technologies. At the end of this section, it is found that Turkey is experiencing all three stages of change which was decribed by Moskos (2000) at the same time due to her geopolitical location and diverges from Moskos’s model on two criteria (homosexuals and conscientious objection).
In this study, cultural civil – military gap has been studied by obtaining the feelings, thoughts and attitudes of the participants on 12 military values. According to the findings from the paticipants, there is a gap between military and Turkish society but this gap is lagitimate in the eyes of participants. The gap in Turkey exists not becase of having two different set of values, one for civil society and one for military, but it comes from different intensties and associating values with different attitudes and behaviors. Consequently, it can be said that the gap between civil society and military which has been decribed as a problem in western societies is not very wide in Turkey.