Bedenin İnşası; Figür
The image of the ‘body’ and the narratives fictionalised on its representation are among the most familiar and oldest subjects in human history. In the entire historical process, the human body has been used as a means of expression and transmission to reflect the realities of one's own body as well as the realities of other masculine and feminine bodies. For this reason, throughout thousands of years of human history, in every field of art, from concrete or abstract forms of expression to realistic or surrealist forms of expression, figures that are accepted as representations of the body have been produced in a wide variety of materials and styles. The figurative understanding, which has found a wide place in art over time, revealing and emphasising the values of the body, has become one of the dominant discourses of art.
Proficiency in Art Thesis titled "The Construction of the Body; Figure" focuses on the three-dimensional artistic narratives of the figure on the basis of individual in particular, social in general and identity. In this context, while the individual is conceptualised in the body in the study, the representation of the body in the applications made is revealed with figurative expressions.