Grafik Tasarımda Görsel Dil Eleştirisi Bağlamında Evrensellik Algısı
Graphic design is known as a comprehensive discipline that is subject to commercial, cultural and academic activities. Graphic design is also recognized as a universal visual communication tool today. However, the universalization of information produced in a destructive way for society through visual language also damages the universality of graphic design itself. Due to the mass impact of graphic design, ideological approaches especially in the fields of political communication, advertising and educational products are seen as a problem of universality in graphic design. In the historical process, there is a close sociocultural relationship between the universalization of graphic design and the universal acceptance of polarizing attitudes and behaviors that are tried to be explained as cultural differences. Examining this relationship shows that with the spread of graphic design, the problem of universalism is shaped through the development of visual language. This thesis aims to open the concept of universality in graphic design to discussion and to reinterpret visual language in a way that makes it immune to universalism. The thesis includes; (1) the perception of universality and the concept of universalism, (2) the universality of visual communication and the principles of universality in graphic design, (3) the universalist type of graphic design and the critical aspect of graphic design reacting against universalism, and (4) film poster making as a workshop and conceptual typographic poster designs as an application study.