In this study, it was aimed to reveal the perceived parental attitudes by adolescents, their parental and peer attachment status and its influence on their self perception and expectations from their parents. The study was performed as a descriptive study in two stages. The scales were applied to 700 adolescents in the first stage of the study for determining their self perceptions, perceived parental attitudes, parental and peer attachment status. The scales used in this study are The Parental Attitude Scale, Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, Short Form of Parent and Peer Attachment Inventory. In the second stage of the study, the scores obtained from Self-Concept Scale were categorized in two groups as high and low. In this stage, semi-structured in-depth individual interviews were conducted and question form was used for evaluating their expectations from parents. The individual interviews were conducted with 19 adolescents having negative self perceptions average and 14 adolescents have high self perceptions average. As a result of the study, it was determined that some introductory characteristics of adolescents and their families create a statistically meaningful difference on the averages of perceived parental attitudes, self perceptioons and attachment scores, and there was a statistically significant relationship between the perceived parental attitudes and attachment scores and the averages of self perceptions scores. As a result of the multiple linear regression analysis, it was found that perceived parental attitude, parental and peer attachment inventory explained the averages of self perceptions scores in a statistically significant way. The categories, themes and sub-themes were determined during the analysis of the obtained data. The themes determined for adolescents having negative self perceptions score averages include negative self perception, authoritarian attitudes and behaviors, rejecting attitudes and behaviors, dissatisfaction with the adolescent and high-level expectations, protective attitude and behavior, attitude, emotion, limited communication, expectations from both parents, expectations from mother and expectations from father. In addition, the themes determined for adolescents having high self perceptions score averages include positive self perception, negative self perceptions, democratic parental attitude, effective communication, and the persistence of communication and relationship. As a result of these results, it was determined that the parents and peers have a significant influence on the adolescents’ self development. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that it is of vital importance in terms of mental health of both adolescents and their parents that mental health professionals and psychiatric nurses develop and implement programs in order to develop an effective parental skills and strengthen the adolescents’ self perception.
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