Ar-Ge Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisi: Bir Literatür İncelemesi
The growth models encompassing technological development endogenously have shown the role of research and development (R&D) on economic growth. These models reveal that large-scale economies grow at a greater rate in the long run, known as scale effect. Since the predicted scale effect in these models cannot be empirically supported, second-generation endogenous growth models were developed in 1990s. In this thesis, theoretical literature on the relationship between R&D and economic growth is evaluated within the first and second generation endogenous growth theories. Also, empirical studies and findings related to this relationship are examined. An analysis of R&D expenditures in Turkey and in the world is carried out using some basic statistics over time. In the literature, it is observed that the empirical studies on the subject for the case of Turkey have generally adopted less elaborated techniques based on causality and cointegration tests. It is important to carry out more comprehensive empirical studies specifically focusing on Turkish economy that take into account second generation theoretical approaches.