Modifiye Edilmiş Üniversal Toprak Kayıpları Eşitliği (Musle) Kullanılarak Tarsus (Mersin) – Topçu Deresi Alt Havzası'nda Erozyon Potansiyelinin Değerlendirilmesi
A variety of different erosion prediction models has been developed in order to evaluate the severity ofsoil erosion in terms of sustainable use of natural resources and to take required and adequate measures for reducing or removing environmental and economic problems, likely to be caused by soil erosion. One of the most common used models which could be classified as quantitative and qualitative models is the Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE)together with its revised version,Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE). With this study,validation and calibration of the soil loss results calculated by the USLE RUSLE model in large river basins by using the MUSLE(Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation) technology that better works at smaller micro-catchment scales with more detailed physical parameters to predict erosion severity. With this study, the erosion potential that could result from runoff and concentrated flows for Mersin Tarsus Topcu Creek Subbasin have been evaluated.