Anatolian lands are a very rich geography in terms of underground and aboveground resources. It shows this feature not only today, but also at the beginning of the development stages of humanity. In this respect, at every stage of history, the path of the people has always been to this rich land. Thanks to archaeological studies, we are able to reveal this situation more clearly with its evidence. Among these evidences, trade has an important place. It can be explained by the best trade that the items produced by cultures with their own characteristics appear in different geographies. One of the archaeological finds that best proves trade /exchanging is the balance weights. In anatolia and its surroundings, balance weights are produced in different shapes and from different raw materials. In Anatolia, all of the early Bronze Age scale weights were made of stone types. These specimens were found in centers in all regions except the Black Sea and most of Eastern Anatolia. In the 2nd millennium BC, mines will be among the raw materials. In addition, it is seen that the balance weights have different weight units. This is natural for cultures with different ethnic, commercial and political development. It is also understood that anatolian people communicated very closely with mesopotamian and Aegean cultures (especially ETÇ II–III) when creating the balance weight standard (metrological system). The important thing about this communication is that it shows both land and overseas connections. Due to the nature of the trade, a certain standard must be used in order for the weighing process to take place with minimal loss. This is closely related to institutionalization and the conduct of trade in a certain order. Balance weights alone are not objects used in weighing. The other element of the process is the scale itself. Although the findings in anatolia are not sufficient, a small number of data help us to know about the subject. Early Bronze Age balance weights have an important place in the commercial activities of Anatolia. In addition to its unique characteristics, it also has different cultural influences. This feature also points to an extroverted and vibrant geography, while building its own internal development.
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