Istilacı Bir Drosophilid Türü Olan Zaprionus Tuberculatusun Doğal Popülasyonlarında Nörosensör Kılların Dar-Anlamlı Kalıtsallığının Gösterilmesi
In the present study, natural populations of Zaprionus tuberculatus, an invasive Drosophilid distantly related to the model organism Drosophila melanogaster were investigated with respect to the variation, narrow-sense heritability and evolvability of the bristle number on the abdominal strenites. Populations were sampled from Adana region which represented four different altitudes and maintained at the laboratory as isofemale lines. All measurements were taken at the 12th generation per population. Females have their bristles on six consecutive sternites while the males have them on four. Those sternites are marked as A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 and A2, A3, A4, A5, respectively. For each population, 10 isolines were picked up and 10 individual flies were scored for each of their sternites per sex. A stereo microscope at an appropriate magnification was used in scoring.