Meme Kanseri Modelinde Myeloid Kökenli Hücrelerin Immün Kompartmanlardaki Dağılımının Anti-Tümör Yanıtlara Yansıması
Myeloid cells of peripheral blood, bone
marrow and spleens from NMU induced mammary tumor bearing Sprague-Dawley
rats were examined in this study. Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in
tumor bearing rats are defined with CD11b/c+ HIS48+ immunophenotype. As this
definition addresses both granulocytic and monocytic populations, we separated
neutrophils from monocytic populations according to Rp-1 expression and classified
monocytes into two sub groups regarding the HIS48 positivity. The RP-1+ neutrophil
amounts increased prominently in peripheral blood and spleens of mammary tumor
bearing Sprague Dawley rats. Rp-1+ neutrophils also suppressed the antigen specific
CD4+ T cell proliferations. These neutrophils were the dominant suppressor
populations and corresponded to the granulocytic-MDSCs. Reactive oxygen species
(ROS), nitric oxide (NO) productions and TGF-β synthesis were found to be
responsible for the suppressive effect of these neutrophils. Additionally, HIS48+
monocytes of tumor hosts had lower MHC class II expression, higher nitric oxide
and TGF-β productions than HIS48- monocytes resembling the monocytic-MDSCs
of mice. Here we report Rp-1 antibody as a specific marker to distinguish rat PMNMDSCs.
Additionally, we identified two functionally different monocyte subsets
based on HIS48 staining. Granulocytic subset of tumor bearing rat MDSCs were
defined as Rp-1+ HIS48+ neutrophils. Two functionally and morphologically
different subsets of RP-1- rat monocytes were discriminated by HIS48 staining.