Etnik ve Dini Kimliklerle Etkileşim İçinde Sınıf Kimliği ve Sınıf Bilinci: Sakarya'da Temizlik İşçileri Örneği
The main purpose of this study is to disclose and understand the interaction between individuals social and class identites which have been come into the question by the recent discussions about the concept of social classes . For this purpose, this study tries to examine the interactions beetween subcontracted workers' class consciousness and their class identities which root in their class belongings and workers' other social identities. This study is an ampric study that has constructivist paradigm. At the end of the study, one can say that the relations between class identities and other social identities may be shaped by the social context. Moreover, one can say that specific identites may gain importance and stand out according to the social context, too. In addition, reader can easily recognize that the workers' class consciousness is a form of consciousness based on the differences in their social status contrary to production process.