İstanbul, Kartal'da Bizans Dönemi Hamam Yapısı
The establishment of Kartal that lies on the North side of the Marmara Sea goes back toLate Roman-Early Byzantine Period. The settlement, of which only the written sourcesof the 8th century speak, has one of the important ports of Bithynia.There are not enough researches about the building complex which takes place inKartal, on the southern slopes of Dragos Hill and consists of three buildings as Church-Bath-Residence ( ). For this reason in the thesis; the detailed architectural description ofthe bath that we discuss is made, its problems are determined and possible solutions tothese problems are provided by the help of architectural elements.The bath, surrounded by a U shaped hall from the North side, is of simple row type planwhich is constructed by the North-south axis placements or five parallel rooms.