Kadın Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Yeme Tutumlarının Mükemmeliyetçilik, Sosyotropi-Otonomi, Üstbilişler, Duygulara İlişkin İnançlar, Duygusal Zorlanmaya Toleranssızlıkve Kaçınma İle İlişkisi: Yatkınlaştırıcı ve Sürdürücü Faktörlere Dayalı Bir Model Önerisi
This study aimed to investigate a model consisting of several variables playing a role in the development of eating disorders. Preliminary research investigated the psychometric properties of Beliefs About Emotions Questionnaire, Distress Intolerance Index and Cognitive-Behavioral Avoidance Questionnaire in a university student sample. The results showed that the reliability and validity of the scales were acceptable. The main study consisted of female students (N = 759) attenting to several different universities.