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dc.description.abstract | The report, based on the subject; 'The Reflections of the City and Land Phenomenon in Contemporary Ceramic Forms', consists of the world in which the artist lives, the society, culture, the landscapes he sees and the impressions and influences they have left on him. These impressions and influences are based on the environmental factors that create a ground for the work of art. It is a study, conducted in a way, referring to the concept of ‘place and space, by making use of city and land foundations.
In this report, from a holistic angle, the introduction of the city in it's historical process, development processes, art and specially their effects on the ceramic art is emphasized. Development of the city is discussed in general and its' effects on the present day are attempted to be presented in subjective ceramic applications. Artists using urban and land themes - a compilation of past and present-, the chaos formed by the multi-piece units made of ceramics created to reflect urban and land relationship, crowd and the effort of individual to find himself in this chaos constitutes the essence of this study.
This thesis, theoretically, explains the relationship between the city, land and art, and in this context, the works produced in ceramic forms, belonging to different periods. | tr_TR |