Araştırma Sorgulamaya Dayalı Laboratuvarın Öğrencilerin Özyeterlik, Yaratıcılık Algısı ve Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerine Etkisi
This study is designed to search for the effect of inquiry based laboratory activities on pre-service science teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions, creativity perceptions and science process skills. The sample of the study is 89 pre-service science teachers who are at their second year at one of the University in Ankara. Self-efficacy Perception Test, “How Creative Are You?” Test and Science Process Skill Test were applied to participants before and after instruction. Based on the results of self-efficacy test results three low, three medium and three high level students were randomly selected for semi-structured interviews. In this sense, two questions about student self-efficacy perception on using laboratory were asked to students. After ınquiry based laboratory activities students were given the post tests. In addition, students were asked to design an inquiry based activity individually to see how successfully they are in design such activities. Students’ self efficacy and science process skills was signifiacantly increased on post-test. However, no significant result was observed related to students’ creativity perceptions. Based on interviews, it is found that students usually perceive laboratory as chemistry laboratory. Students usually mentioned safety issues related to chemistry laboratory. Since inquiry based laboratory increased students science process skills and self efficacy related to laboratory use this kind of laboratory activities need to be replaced by tradiational laboratory activities.
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