• Hissizleşme-Etleşme Üzerine Görsel Çözümlemeler 

      Bulut, Ümmihan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)
      Individual and societal, emotional and psychological changes interact in the formation of human personality. These changes shape how a person perceives themselves and their surroundings, as well as their reactions and ...
    • Kumaş İmgeleri ve Gizliliğin İronisi 

      Dinler, Fatma Çağla; Dinler, Fatma Çağla (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)
      Dressing is one of the basic needs of humankind. Throughout its historical adventure, this action has continued to change until today by going through certain processes. Undoubtedly, fabric takes the lead to serve this ...