The aim of this study is to determine the concept images and procedural understanding of the prospective mathematics teachers on the topic of continuity. For this purpose, in 2017-2018 academic year, 9 prospective mathematics teachers in the education department of mathematic teaching program of a state university that are chosen as 3 of the 3rd grade, 3 of the 4th grade and 3 of the 5th grade, are stated as the participants of the study. The 9 prospective mathematics teachers were determined by using a purposeful sampling technique, in this way, the participants who are at the level of unsuccessful, average and successful from 3rd, 4th and 5th grades are chosen with the help of an achievement test. The tests and interview form, prepared during the study, were used as data collection tools. The study, which is qualitative, is a phenomenology study. The data for determining the concept images of prospective mathematics teachers were analyzed by content analysis, and the data aimed at determining procedural understanding of prospective mathematics teachers were analyzed by descriptive analysis. Therefore, this study, it was determined that prospective mathematics teachers responded according to their images when the participants define the concept of continuity and their graphical representation of continuity was dominant in their images. Also, it was determined that the formal definitions of continuity concept by prospective mathematics teachers are used as procedural understanding. In the last part of the study, some suggestions were given to the researchers in accordance with the findings and results.
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