Drinking and wastewater treatment facilities, which are tendered by state institutions and designed to serve the settlement centers in general, are constructed as reinforced concrete structures. This is an accepted and unquestioned approach. There is a widespread belief that the "traditional" process is less costly. The methodology to implement similar designs to all treatment plants as well as the use of concrete for the construction with the belief that its less expensive, significantly contribute to the construction approach given above. Turkey is an environmentally developing country and we are going to build increasing number of treatment plants. Finding space for those treatment plants which will supply water by gravity, is becoming a challenging issue. The fact that areas with high elevations are forest land or wooded areas make it necessary to destroy these lands for the construction of drinking water treatment plants which are a compulsory for civilized living. In addition, drinking water treatment plants cover a large area where hydraulic losses increase and extra excavation becomes a must.
Considering the mentioned "assumptions " and problems, steel construction is one of the alternatives that should be investigated in order to reduce the construction costs of the treatment plants, to reduce the total area covered by the plant, to reduce the destruction of the nature to the minimum and to apply the new technologies easily. to the application of steel constructions instead of reinforced concrete structures in treatment plants.
The construction and mechanical costs of reinforced concrete and stainless steel constructions were compared in the thesis study. Coagulation and flocculation unit distribution structure, settling and filter units of the treatment plants of 10,000 m3 / day, 40,000 m3 / day, 200,000 m3 / day and 350,000 m3 / day capacity treatment plants are designed as reinforced concrete and stainless steel units. Then construction and mechanical equipment costs construction and mechanical costs are compared according to 2017 unit prices. As a result of the study, it has been seen that the total construction and mechanical cost of stainless steel construction structures is reduced compared to that of reinforced concrete structures.
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