Webquest Destekli Etkinliklerin Öğrencilerin Güneş Sistemi Ünitesindeki Başarısına Ve Astronomiye Yönelik Tutumuna Etkisi
In the age of information technologies, everybody benefit from technology in all areas of their lives. In the same way, education is also affected by this changing process. It is seen that students’ computer-based learning as a group or individually are becoming widespread by using internet. However, If we think that all of information on the Internet is not taken the correct and reliable sources, ıt would not be right to leave the students in this information. Webquest supported activities enable students to reach reliable and safe learning environment by using internet sources. This study examine the effects of Webquest supported activities on middle school students’ achievement and attitudes towards astronomy. The participants of the study were 56 seventh graders from three different classrooms in elementary education school in Konya/ Karapınar. The topic used in the study was the unit of The Solar System and Beyond: Mystery of Space. Pre and post-test quasi-experimental design was used in the study. During this study two experimental groups and one control group was established. During the implementation process; Webquest supported activities with Experimental-1 group, PowerPoint presentation was used for Experimental-2 group and Control group with textbook supported (traditional) activities were used. The application period is determined as 12 lesson hours. Findings of the study revealed that Webquest supported activities have a significant difference in achievement scores for astronomy subjects. However, it was found that Webquest supported activities increased the students’ attitudes towards computer and web supported study and astronomy but this increase did not make a statistically significant difference.