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dc.contributor.advisorErten, İsmail Hakkı
dc.contributor.authorÇağatay, Sibel
dc.identifier.citationÇağatay, S. (2018). The effectiveness of attribution retraining on language learners’ attributions, future self-guides and motivated behaviour, effort. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation investigates causal attributions of language learners at a university in Turkey for their exam performances. The study has two main phases. The first one includes to what learners attribute their success or failure and the relationship between the perceived success, ideal L2 selves and ought-to selves and the second step scrutinizes the effect of Attribution Retraining (AR) on the promotion of adaptive attributions and dimensions, future self guides and motivated behavior. Additionally, the research includes a process of attribution scale development (LACAS) validated and implemented in detail. The study employed an embedded mixed method design in which the AR effect on all variables was explored through different scales. Also, open-ended questions before and after the treatment, reflection papers, and interviews were administered to the participants in the experimental group. The findings showed that Health and Teacher are the main causal attributions for the language learners. Higher ideal L2 self seems to make a difference between the causal attributions of the learners. Also, Task Difficulty is the main predictor of the previous exam scores and Effort ranks the top predictor for the future exam scores. AR seems to have improved Locus of Control, Personal Control and a decrease in Stability dimensions. It also bolstered adaptive attributions of Effort and Strategy and higher ideal L2 selves of the learners. The study suggests that practitioners and program developers need to embed AR programs into their syllabi to foster learners’ clearer vision and to have them study harder for future performance.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsTable of Contents Abstract ii Öz iii Acknowledgements iv List of Tables xiii List of Figures xvi Symbols and Abbreviations xvii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Aim and Significance of the Study 5 Research Questions 7 Assumptions 8 Limitations 8 Definitions 9 Conclusion 10 Chapter 2 Literature Review 11 Introduction 11 Belief Systems 11 Belief Systems in Language Learning 12 Mindsets and Attributions as Parts of Belief Systems 14 Attribution Theory 15 Causal Dimensions 19 Four Main Causal Attributions 23 Empirical Studies on Attribution Around the World 26 Empirical Studies on Attributions in Turkey 31 Attribution Retraining 36 A Protocol for Administering Attributional Retraining 40 Empirical Studies about Attribution Retraining 44 L2 Motivational Self System 46 Ideal L2 Self 48 Ought-to Self 49 L2 Learning Experience 50 Vision Training 52 Motivated Behaviour and Effort 55 Conclusion 57 Chapter 3 Methodology 58 Introduction 58 Phase 1: Pilot Study 60 Setting and participants…………………………………………………………61 Instruments…………………………………………………………………….…62 Language achievement causal attribution scale (LACAS)………..……….63 Success/Achievement………………………………..………………..………63 Perceived success….………………………………..………………..………64 Causal dimension scale II (CDS II)………………………………..…………65 Future self-guides scales (ideal l2 self and ought-to self scale)….………66 Motivated behaviour and effort instument………………………………..…66 Session materials .………………………………..………………..………….67 Procedures for data collection.....................................................................67 Part A: Data collection from the whole group..…………………………..…67 Part B: Attribution retraining treatment in the pilot study..….….……….…68 Pilot data analyses...………….....................................................................71 Implications of the pilot study analysis ..……….…………….….……….…74 Phase 2: Main Study 76 Setting and participants.……………………………….………………………..76 Instruments....…………….…..………………………………………………….79 Scales….…................................................................................................80 Language achievement causal attribution scale (LACAS)..……………80 Success/ Achievement…………………………………………………..…81 Perceived success….. …………………………………………………..…81 Causal dimension scale II.…………………………………………………81 Future self-guides instrument.…………………………………….………81 Motivated behavior and effort instrument………………………..………81 Open-ended questions..............................................................................81 Interviews…...............................................................................................82 Reflection paper for the control group.......................................................83 Questionnaire and open-ended feedback for the AR….........………….…83 Procedures for data collection…………..………………..……………………83 Part A: Data collection from the whole group…........................................83 Part B: AR treatment…..............................................................................84 Data Analysis...............................................................................................92 Quantitative data analysis….…………………………………...……………92 Qualitative data analysis………………………………………...……………93 Scale Development Process 96 Data collection procedures of the scale development................................97 Phase 1: Procedures of the scale development in the pilot study..………97 Item pooling stage…………………………………………………….……97 Testing the content and face validity of the scale…...…………….……97 Content validity and reduction stages…..……………………………..…98 Phase 2: Procedures of the scale development in the main study........…99 Data analyses for the scale development of the study................................99 Phase 1: Scale development results of the pilot study..........................…99 Phase 1: The EFA results of the pilot study..……...………….…..……100 Phase 1: The second EFA and CFA with a split-half method…......…104 Reliability in the pilot study……..……………………..………….………107 Phase 2: Scale development results of the main study…...................…108 Phase 2: The EFA results of the main study..……….…..……….……109 Phase 2: The CFA results of the main study..….…....…..……….……112 Phase 2: Contrasted- group analysis for further validation…....................114 Phase 2: The reliability of the scale ……….….……………...….................116 Conclusion 117 Chapter 4 Findings 118 Introduction 118 Assumptions of the Parametric Tests 119 Research Question 1: Achievement Attributions 120 Research Question 2: Perceived Success Effects on Attributions 130 Research Question 3: Future Self-Guides Effect on Attributions 135 Research Question 4: Achievement Attributions and the Exam Scores 139 Research Question 5: The Effect of an Attribution Retraining Program on EFL Learners’ Achievement Attributions 144 Research Question 6: The Effect of an Attribution Retraining Program on EFL Learners’ Future Self- Guides and Motivated Behaviour and Effort 173 Students’ Perception of the AR sessions 182 Conclusion 185 Chapter 5 Conclusion, Discussion and Suggestions 186 Introduction 186 Summary of the Study 186 Discussion of the Findings 188 Limitations of the Study 210 Suggestions and Conclusion 212 Methodological Implications of the Study 212 Pedagogical Implications of the Study 213 Suggestions for Further Research 216 Conclusion 217 References 219 APPENDICES 236 APPENDIX-A: Informed Consent Form 237 APPENDIX -B: Causal Dimension Scale II – Turkish Version 239 APPENDIX-C: Language Achievement Attribution Scale (LACAS) First Version-Pilot Study-Turkish 240 APPENDIX –D: LACAS Latest Version-Turkish 242 APPENDIX-E: Future Self-Guides and Motivated Behaviour And Effort Scales –Turkish Version 244 APPENDIX-F: Causal Dimension Scale II –English Version 246 APPENDIX G- Language Achievement And Attribution Scale –Latest Version- English 247 APPENDIX H-Future Self-Guides and Motivated Behavour And Effort Scale-English Version 249 APPENDIX I: Open-Ended Questions 251 APPENDIX J: Reflection Questions for the Control Group 257 APPENDIX K- Causal Search Activation and Induction Handout 258 APPENDIX- L: AR Consolidation Handout (Haynes et al., 2009) 259 APPENDIX- M: AR Writing Assignment (Haynes et al., 2009) 260 APPENDIX-N: AR Scenario 262 APPENDIX- O: English Strategy Handout 268 APPENDIX- P: Goal Orientation Handout 270 APPENDIX-R: Evaluation of The Goals 271 APPENDIX- S: Goal Setting Handout 272 APPENDIX- T: Vision Training Plot 273 APPENDIX-U: Vision Training Handout 274 APPENDIX-V: Ought-To-Self Exercise 275 APPENDIX-W: The Evaluation Questionnaire for the AR Sessions 277 APPENDIX -X: Sample Interview Transcript 278 APPENDIX-Y: Ethics Committee Approval 279 APPENDIX -Z: Declaration of Ethical Conduct 280 APPENDIX-AA: Dissertation Originality Report 281 APPENDIX-AB: Yayımlama ve Fikrî Mülkiyet Hakları Beyanı 282tr_TR
dc.publisherEğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectforeign language educationtr_TR
dc.subjectattribution retrainingtr_TR
dc.subjectattribution trainingtr_TR
dc.subjectachievement attribution scaletr_TR
dc.subjectcausal attribution theorytr_TR
dc.subjectattribution theorytr_TR
dc.subjectforeign language motivationtr_TR
dc.subjectideal L2 selftr_TR
dc.subjectought-to selftr_TR
dc.subjectmotivated behaviortr_TR
dc.subjectvision trainingtr_TR
dc.description.ozetBu doktora tezi Türkiye’deki bir devlet üniversitesindeki İngilizce’yi yabancı dil olarak öğrenen öğrencilerin sınav performanslarını hangi faktörlere yüklediklerini araştırmaktadır. Çalışmanın iki ayağı mevcuttur. Birinci kısım öğrenenlerin kendi başarılarını nasıl algıladıkları, ideal hedef dil benliği, zaruri dil benliği ve motive davranış ve çaba arasındaki ilişkiyi içerir. Çalışma ayrıca hangi başarı yüklemelerinin öğrencilerin geçmiş ve gelecek başarılarını yordadığını ele almıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci ayağı deneysel çalışmadan oluşmaktadır. Bu kısmın amacı verilen yükleme eğitiminin istenen yüklemelere, daha net ideal hedef dil benliklerine ve motive davranış ve çabanın gelişimine etki edip etmediğini araştırmaktır. Bu çalışma Language Achievement Causal Attribution Scale (LACAS) adında yapı ve dış geçerliliği sağlanmış bir ölçek geliştirme sürecini de detaylı bir şekilde içermektedir. Araştırma daha önce geliştirilen ölçekler ve LACAS yardımıyla öğrencilerin yükleme eğilimlerini ve bunların diğer değişkenlerle ilişkisini araştırarak içe yerleşik karma araştırma desenini uygulamıştır. Ayrıca, deneysel çalışmadan önce ve sonra verilen açık uçlu sorular, yansıtma raporları, ve mülakatlar kullanılmıştır. Bulgular katılımcıların en çok sağlık ve öğretmen yüklemelerine atıfta bulunduğunu, hedef dil benliğinin yüksek olması yapılan yüklemelerde de fark yarattığını, sınav zorluğunun geçmiş sınav başarı yüklemelerinde, verilen çabanın ise gelecek sınav başarılarında en iyi yordayıcı olduğunu göstermiştir. Verilen eğitim öğrencilerin yükleme boyutları ölçeğinde kişisel kontrollerinin artmasına ve başarı sebeplerinin değişebilir olabileceğine inanmalarına yardımcı olmuştur. Bu eğitim çaba ve strateji kullanımı gibi istenen yüklemelerin artmasına ve ayrıca ideal hedef dil benliğinin gelişimine katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu araştırma öğrencilerin gelecek benliklerinin gelişimi için ve kendi gelecek performanslarını düşünerek daha çok çalışmalarını sağlamak için öğretmenlerin ve program geliştiricilerin yükleme eğitimlerini ders izlencelerine koymaları gerektiğini önermektedir.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentYabancı Diller Eğitimitr_TR

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