Now showing items 21-40 of 66


      Kayadelen, Faruk (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2022)
      With the complete domination of Cyprus by the Ottoman Empire in 1571, a Turkish population began to form on the island. However, as a result of the Ottoman State's transfer of the administration of the Island to England ...
    • Kıbrıs Türk Mücadele Tarihinde Spor Kulüpleri 

      Kayadelen, Faruk (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2022)
      With the complete domination of Cyprus by the Ottoman Empire in 1571, a Turkish population began to form on the island. However, as a result of the Ottoman State's transfer of the administration of the Island to England ...
    • Osmanlı Kara Ordusunda Yeniden Yapılanma Girişimleri (1913-1914) 

      Erarslan, Oğuzhan (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2022-06-13)
      The biggest disaster in the last period of Ottoman military history is doubtedly the heavy defeat in the Balkan Wars. The Balkan defeat changed the political, social and cultural balances not only in the Balkan but also ...
    • Türkiye'de Mukaddesatçı Anti-Kemalizm (1945-1960) 

      Meşe, Ertuğrul (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Anti-Kemalism, which is manifested in the world of religious meaning and which arises from the way Islamist intellectuals and cult circles, who initially describe themselves as milliyetçi-mukaddesatçı or more mukaddesatçı, ...
    • Demokrat Parti Dönemi Türkiye-Irak İlişkilerinde A.B.D. Etkisi (1950-1960) 

      Bakır, Tuğrul (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2022)
      This work has been prepared to understand the influence of the US, which became hegemon power after the Cold War started, on Turkey's alliance relations with Iraq during the Democratic Party period. The US encouraged states ...
    • Kadın ve Aile İle Nokta Dergilerinde Kadın İmajı (1985-1998) 

      Göçer, Hilal (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2021-08-14)
      For Turkey, the 1980s represent a period of great change. It has undergone deep transformations politically, socio-economically and socio-culturally. One of the most important topics affected by this change is women and ...
    • Türkiye'de İslamcılık Fikrini Dergiler Üzerinden Okumak (1960-1980) 

      Yalçın, Betül (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2021)
      This study aims to deal with the Islamist views that emerged between the years 1960-1980 in Turkey through journals, within the framework of certain themes. In this context, in the first part of the thesis, the thought of ...
    • Refik Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Merkezi Başkanlığı (1928-2017) 

      Bulut, Meryem (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2021)
      The purpose of our study is to put forward the historical progress (and to reveal the contribution to policies concerning public health) of the institution, which was founded with the name of “Central Institute of Hygiene ...
    • Eğitim Amacıyla Yurt Dışına Gönderilen Öğrenciler (1908-1922): Prosopografik Bir Çalışma Örneği 

      Ayhan, İsmail (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2021-05-28)
      AYHAN, İsmail. Students sent abroad for the aim of education (1908-1922): An example of prospographical study, Phd Thesis, Ankara, 2021. In this study, students who were sent abroad for education have been investigated ...
    • 1947-1998 Türkiye-Suriye İlişkileri: Güvenlik Sorunu Bağlamında Problemler ve Krizler 

      Özer, Özkan (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2021)
      In this study titled “1947-1998 Turkey-Syria Relations: Problems and Crisises in the Context of Security Issue”, problems and crises experienced in the context of security issue between Turkey and Syria between the years ...
    • Harp Prensipleri Işığında Güney Cephesinde Kuvayı Milliye (Gaziantep Örneği) 

      Özaslan , Ali (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2021-01-28)
      The Anatolian Lands, planned to be divided by the secret Sykes-Picot treaty, were invaded as a result of Mundros Armistice. The Southern parts of Anatolia, which was initially given to French armies as a buffer zone against ...
    • Türk Modernleşmesine Mukayeseli Bir Bakış: Ali Fuad Başgil ve Tarık Zafer Tunaya 

      Öztürk, Hasan (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2020)
      In this study, the Turkish modernization process is examined through comparing the perspectives of Ali Fuad Başgil and Tarık Zafer Tunaya, who have different ideas. The subject of the study is the ideas and thoughts of ...
    • Çok Partili Hayata Geçiş ve Sonrasında Çankırı: Eğitim, Kültür, Siyasi ve Sosyal Hayat (1946-1960) 

      Şen, Begüm (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Transition to multi-party life, which is the beginning of a new era in the history of the Republic, is a process that changes many dynamics in Turkey. In this study, how this process is reflected on Çankırı as well as in ...
    • II. Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Yunanistan'daki Türk Azınlığı'nın Durumu (1945-1960) 

      Yılmaz, Bürkem (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2019)
      The main objective of the study is to illuminate the history of the Western Thrace Turkish community, whose existence as a minority was accepted by international treaties, in the period between 1945-1960, during which there ...
    • Milli Mücadele Dönemi Türk Basınında İstanbul Hükümetleri- Ankara İlişkileri 

      Kul, Hazel (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2019)
      Academic studies on press have an important place in history research. Because newspapers are important sources that shed light on the political, social, cultural and economic developments of the period in which they were ...
    • The New York Times Gazetesi'nde Türk Kadını (1923-1938) 

      Ceran, Nur (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2019)
      CERAN Nur,The New York Times Gazetesi’nde Türk Kadını (1923-1938), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2019 Thesis, Turkish Women in The New York Times(1923-1938) it is examined that changes which Turkish woman is undergone and ...
    • Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e Türk Sineması ve Tarih (1918-1950) 

      İstanbul, Orhan (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2019)
      Turkish cinema has not left behind more than a hundred years. The film directors bring their own viewpoint to the big screen by visualizing the scenario they have in their own mind. Making the historian a kind of work. ...
    • Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kadın İmajı İnşası (1928-1938) 

      Yalçın, Hülya (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2019-09-25)
      ABSTRACT YALÇIN, Hülya, The Image of the Women the Republic Is Trying to Build (1928-1938), Master Thesis, Ankara, 2019. Woman is the most important bond between family and society. Her contribution to operating of ...
    • Bir Geminin Hikâyesi: Germanic/Gülcemal Vapuru (1874-1950) 

      Demircioğlu, Fatih (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2019-10-30)
      The New Continent, which Christopher Columbus discovered unconsciously in 1492 and which would unlucky be called America, would change the way the world was perceived. Within a few centuries following the discovery of ...
    • 1927-1950 Yılları Arasında Türkiye'de Radyo Yayıncılığı 

      Okur, Ali (Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, 2019)
      This study, which consists of three chapters, was limited to 1927-1950 as it covered the single-party period. In the first part, communication, mass communication, propaganda, the history of radio, radio broadcasts in the ...