KARAASLAN ÖRDEK, Hande. The Perception of the Success of Academicians Working
in the Field of Public Administration and the Factors That Lead them to Success: The
Case of State Universities in Ankara, Master Thesis, Ankara, 2018.
This thesis examines the perceptions of academicians regarding the definition(s)
of success and especially academicians’ success and ways to achieve it among
the academicians working in the public administration field of the departments of
political science and public administration. For this purpose, first, in-depth
interviews including both closed and open-ended questions were conducted with
a total of 32 academicians from different levels of academic status in Ankara in
six different public universities (Ankara University, Hacettepe University, Middle
East Technical University, Gazi University, Yıldırım Beyazıt University and
Ankara Sosyal Bilimler University).
In addition to the interviews, the memories of eight Turkish social scientists, who
are generally accepted to be successful in the field have been examined in order
to better understand the perception of success and especially the success of the
academicians and ways of achieving success. To this end, memoirs are read so
as to compare and contrast the findings of the memoirs to the answers of the
interview questions. Findings from both interviews and memories are analyzed
together to make some evaluations and suggestions about the success of the
academicians and ways of achieving this success.
Success, Academician Success, Public Administration, Ways to Achieve
Success, Turkey.
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