Türk Kültür Tarihinde Sığır
The nations cultures across the world have their own unique traditions, symbol, ritual and practices. In other words, each of the culture can be said to occur as a result of diffferent types of culture. In this context, doctoral dissertation, the cattle handles mythological, historical, geographical, socio-economic and cultural perspective by considering the text and context of folklore-based theories are explored with the data. In general, cattle state and people, in particular, economic and social life has been identified. The cattle’s benefits of Turkish culture basics, value the contribution to the formation, move of to the future and its place in the future are incompatible with the idea of moving, “folklore and made in various inferences.’’ In the introduction part of this thesis from the point of meaning and folklore, the cattle or oxen’s, definition and history, and its place in the literature evaluated. The situation in the work of folklore described in Turkey. In the second part of the thesis feeding cattle or ox, care, castration issues such as for off the field contrasted with information obtained. The third section is examined in the context of the Turkish cultural ecology folk narratives. The aforementioned three parts compared and similarities or differences revealed. The cattle or ox’s arrival adventure to Anatolia from Turkestan geography, the changing living conditions and the positions depending on the technology, the importance of nature and the human environment has been revealing the signification.