Calculatıon of Choroıdal Vascularıty Index and Tıssue Dıstrıbutıon Indexes by Dıgıtal Processıng of Retınal and Choroıdal Images Obtaıned Vıa Optıcal Coherence Tomography
Optical coherence tomography is, also called as an optical biopsy, is a valuable tool, and used in many clinical and research areas, including the leading area of ophthalmology. 50 randomly chosen healthy cases, 25 females and 25 males, were included in the present study. 100 eyes of 50 patients were examined. Totally 400 structures were analyzed with vertical and horizontal scans of retinal and choroidal structures. The greater region of interest with a radius of 6500 m centered to foveal region, was divided into 100 m intervals. The 65 smaller region is further subdivided into 3 parts, as a result of 195 smaller regions were assigned. Retina and choroid were analyzed for the spot thickness, mean thickness, rectangular fill index, total retinal / choroidal area, dark retinal area / luminal choroidal area, light retinal area / stromal choroidal area, dark area percent / choroidal vascularity index, light area percent / stromal area percent, dark to light ratio / luminal to stromal ratio, mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, perimeter, width, height, major, minor, angle, integrated density, raw integrated density, feret, minimum feret, feret angle, circularity, aspect ratio, roundness, solidity, mean and spot retinal to choroidal thickness ratio, mean and spot choroidal to retinal thickness ratio parameters. A semi-automatic program, RET-INAM was coded in Fiji / ImageJ program by the research team and used to obtain the results. In conclusion, it is possible to propose several parameters as some novel diagnostic and evaluative indicators simply extracted by image processing of optical coherence tomography scans.