Grafik Romanda Özgünlük ve Etkileşimli Bir Uygulama
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Karaçeper, Çilem
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Graphic novels that continue its publishing life as it develops each passing day, have
also rapidly improved as one of the important art/ design branches of the modern world.
Graphic novels reaching their readers through multiple countries, artists, and languages,
have hosted new cults every passing day. Graphic novels that quickly spread all over the
world and in Turkey despite all the difficulties and became a communication tool with
their own unique characteristics, has also become a contemporary cultural element.
Because graphic novels are an important artistic branch of the present and future, in this
thesis study, different periods on the earth have been researched from past to today, and
an application study in this area has been chosen as the subject.
In the first chapter of this thesis entitled "Authenticity and an Interactive Application in
Graphic Novel", a comic book was tried to be defined in its various aspects; its
historical development, censorship, and contribution to art and the artist has been
emphasized; interviews with artists were included and the art of humor and its place in
the cinema were reviewed.
In the second chapter, after the description, development, and importance of the graphic
novel are emphasized, information has been provided about the graphic novel reader. In
addition, the contribution of graphic novels to the development of the individual and the
community has been researched and presented.
In the third chapter, various graphic novel examples are analyzed and their originality
were compared in terms of form, content and illustration. At the same time, examples of
interactive graphic novels were also researched and reviewed by separating it into its
In the fourth chapter, the designs and applications of interactive graphic novels that was
separated into its elements in the previous chapter were exemplified and compared in
terms of originality and function.
In the fifth and last chapter, a place was given to the analysis of the summary of the
story and the characters in it, which constitute the basis of the application study, with
the information obtained from the researches and examples and also from the opinions
of the experts in the field. In addition to all of these, by sharing the sketches of the story
of the application and samples interactive with the data matrix; a place was given to the
application study.
The applications were given by scrutinizing through its process from thought/ sketch
phase to the finalization.
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