İyonkürede Dalga Yayılımı Modellemesi için Işın İzleme Algoritmalarının Grafik İşlemci Birimleri ile Paralel İşlenmesi
In long range short wave (SW) communications, the transmitted signal passes through the
ionosphere. Ionosphere approximately covers the area between about 80 kms and 1100 kms
above the earth’s surface and it is mostly composed of ions and free electrons. This plasma
medium in the ionosphere interacts with the electromagnetic wave passing through it and
changes the path, strength, velocity and polarisation of the wave. Electron density in the
ionosphere constantly changes depending on many factors such as geographical position,
time, altitude and temperature.
In SW communication, the transmitted signal reaches the receiver by following a curved
path which is determined by the diffraction and scattering mechanisms caused by the
ionosphere. The aim of this thesis study is investigate propagation of the to parallelize the
ray tracing algorithms used in the short wave communication with graphics processors. First,
the propagation of the independently transmitted signals through the ionosphere is
investigated by ray tracing algorithms. After that, diffraction and dispersion models are
reviewed for parallel programming and software activities are performed. Finally, the
consistency of the result derived from software activities are tested and time measurements
are made. As a result, the achievements obtained from the parallel programming activities
with the graphics processors are mentioned.