Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Beden İmajı ile Bozulmuş Yeme Davranışı Arasındaki İlişkinin Cinsiyet ve Spor katılımı Düzeyi Faktörlerine Göre İncelenmesi
In this study, the relationship between disordered eating and body satisfaction was examined considering sex and athletic status; the predictive values of some socio-demographic variables like active years of sport, difference between current weight – ideal weight, frequency of being weighed on disordered eating and body image were studied. Study sample consisted of 189 (49.9 %) women and 190 (50.1 %) men university students. Participants’ ages were ranged 18 – 36 and the mean age was 22.35 (SD = 3.16). Demographic Information Form, “Eating Attitude Test (EAT)” and “Body Cathexis Scale (BCS)” were adminestered respectively.
Correlational analyses, Analysis of Varience (ANOVA), Multivarience Analysis of Varience (MANOVA) and Stepwise Regression Analyses were applied for answering the research questions. Firstly, the relationship between the main variables were examined and significant negative relationships were found between EAT scores and BCS score. EAT factor scores of fatness anxiety and dieting showed significant differences between sex and athletic status groups. Considering BCS total score, it was found that men were more satisfied with their bodies compared with women. Additionally, competitive athletes and recreational exercisers were more satisfied with their bodies compared to physically inactive people.
In regression, they were found that frequency of being weighed and weekly training hours predict disordered eating. Additionally, fatness anxiety, active yeras of sport, and weekly training hours predicted body image. Study findings were discussed in the light of relevant literature.
Disordered eating, body image, sex, athletic status, eating attitude factors