Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hastanelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin Hastane Afet ve Acil Durum Planları ile ilgili görüşlerinin incelenmesi
The aim of this study is to examine the views of the nurses working in Hacettepe University Hospitals on the Disaster and Emergency Plans. It is a descriptive study. Data collection was conducted between April and July 2016. The universe of the research was composed of all the nurses working in Hacettepe University Hospitals. It was aimed to reach all participants. Within the scope of the research, 637 questionnaires could be distributed and of them 402 were collected as answered. The percentage of nurses participating in the survey was 63.1%. The questionnaire that was used as the data collection tool was consistings of 3 parts and 28 questions. The 8 questions in the first part were about socio-demographical and educational information, 8 questions in the next part were about experiences of nurses regarding disasters and emergencies and 12 questions in the last part were about views of nurses on hospital disaster and emergency plans. The results of the analysis of distributions were given as numbers and percentages. The Pearson chi-square test was used to assess eventual associations. The average age of the nurses participating in the survey was 30 ± 5.53. When the period of working as a nurse was examined, it was found that 46.0% were in the period of 0-5 years. 57.8% of nurses stated that they were aware of Hospital Disaster and Emergency Plans. 76.0% of the nurses who stated that they didn’t know Disaster and Emergency Plans of the Hospital were in the age range of 21-30 years. 29.2% of the nurses stated that they did not receive disaster or emergency training. 60.7% of those who stated that they did not receive training consisted of nurses who were working for 0-5 years. At least half of the nurses stated that they did not see the document of the Disaster and Emergency Plans of the Hospital and that a significant part of them did not know their role in Disaster and Emergency Plans of the Hospital. According to the results of the study, nurses working in Hacettepe University Hospitals did not have sufficient knowledge about Hospital Disaster and Emergency Plans. Based on these results, it is recommended that groups with lower levels of awareness regarding disaster and emergency plans of the hospital, especially who are in the first years of work in the profession and in the institution, should be prioritized during awareness-raising activities, exercises and drills, and any activity about adapting to the institute. In addition, trainings about disaster and emergency plans of the hospital could be included in general in-service and in-house trainings. Detailed further research on this issue will make significant contributions to future work.