In this study Cyanobacteria species of Mogan Lake, Beytepe Pond and Delice River were
taxonomically investigated. The flora of algae (cyanobacteria) specimens have been collected
by monthly intervals from Mogan Lake and Beytepe Pond during the periods of October 2011
and September 2012. For the Delice River the laboratory samples which were collected by
montly intervals between July 2007-May 2008 have been evaluated.
Phytoplankton samples, have been collected horizontally and vertically using by a plankton
net and Patala sampler and fixed in 4% formaldehyde solution. A small portion of each sample
was prepared for identification, counting and then photographed under the microscope. During
the study physio-chemical parameters such as the temperature, soluble oxygen, salinity and pH
values were measured in situ. In the study, Cyanobacteria species diversity, seasonal
distribution have been observed and their seasonal succession have been evaluated according
to physico-chemical variables.
As a result, totally 15 genus and 41 taxon were identified from three different habitats. Among
them 22 species were identified in Mogan Lake, 19 species in Beytepe Pond and 13 species in
Delice River respectively. During the study species like Lyngbya limnetica and Aphanocapsa
incerta were frequently observed for all months in Mogan Lake, Chrococcus turgidus and
Chrococcus minimus were high number in Beytepe Pond while Phormidium formosum was
dominant in Delice River.
As a result species number and density were generally rich in Mogan Lake during fall and
summer season while very low in the Delice River during winter season.