Zihinsel Bulaşma, Dindarlık, Kendini Affetme, Suçluluk Ve Düşünce Eylem Kaynaşmasının Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk Semptomlarıyla Ilişkisinin Incelenmesi: Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Deneysel Bir Çalışma
One of the most seen symptoms in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is contamination obsessions and washing compulsions. Recently, it has been thought that fear of contamination can occur without a physical contact with a dirty object. According to this idea, Rachman (1994) proposed the term of mental contamination/pollution. Mental contamination can occur without any physical contact with a dirty object, also with some certain thoughts, images, memories or some negative life events. Mental contamination has a moral element and it is identified as internal dirtiness. One of the main aims of this study is to investigate the pattern of mental contamination in our country and examine the relationships between religiosity, self-forgiveness, guilt, contamination related thought-action fusion (TAF) and OCD symptoms. The other main aim of this study is screening high and low religious participants and make them listen to the scenarios known as evoking mental contamination on the purpose of c