Kant Ve Schopenhauer'De Sanat Ve Bilgi Ilişkisi
The “relation between art and knowledge” in Kant’s and Schopenhauer’s notion of art, which is the main subject in this study includes scrutinizing of opinion that genuine works of art can provide “a kind of” knowledge and distinguishing this kind of knowledge from other kinds of knowledge. The kind of knowledge attained from works of art that Kant and Schopenhauer define is the knowledge of the “Ideas”. The knowledge of the Ideas, unlike the conceptual knowledge, is the knowledge of the essence of things, of intuitions that certain concepts are incapacity to explain them. Ideas are similar to concepts as that both are related to universality. However there is a crucial distinction: ideas are intuitive, whereas concepts are abstract. The works of art created by genius artists as distinct from explaining the facts or things with concepts as in sciences, but can transmit of ideas by setting forth the intuitional expression of objects or facts of their subject matter. Emphasizing the knowl