Tekniğin Entropi Bağlamı: Hiper-Teknolojik Dönüşüm, Kapitalizm ve Bireyleşme
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Atak, Bora
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The technics is conceptualized in Ancient Greek texts at the center of production activity, which aims realization of poiēsis. In this respect, its relationship between human, tool, technical object and technology in connection to technical, has been affected by the historical transformation of the modes of production and capitalist processes. As a matter of fact, machine-centered production with modern industry have covered up the different contexts of technics and brought the exposure to modern technology to the fore in relation to technics. It is possible to argue that this exposure has increased exponentially with hyper-technological transformation; and caused today's relationship to technophobic on the one hand and technophile or technocratic drift on the other.
Heidegger was one of the first thinkers who try to get behind this exposure and turn to the essence of technics by suspending the normative ethical debate about the relationship. He points the inherent danger of technics within his philosophy of framing (gestell). On the other hand, Simondon, with his philosophy of individuation, does not find danger in technics, but a level friendship which is ontologically bounded with technical objects. Although his finding is diametrically opposed, it can be said that Simondon methodologically follows Heidegger's footsteps in terms of suspending ethical discussion. Stiegler, who follows Simondon in principle, this time tries to open the bidirectionality of technics – based on Derrida – with the concept of pharmakon and turn to its political context.
In this thesis, the methodological line extending from Heidegger to Stiegler has been followed; by suspending the ethical discussion a little longer, the onto-epistemological discussion of technics was tried to be deepened at first. From this point of view, the pharmacological feature of technics highlighted by Stiegler has been moved to the onto-epistemological ground with entropy and the related set of concepts. It has been claimed that the movement of technical knowledge in the horizontal plane which is centralizing or extensification and the movement in the vertical plane which is deepening also determine the direction of the entropy of the system; attention has been drawn to the singular and total feature of the different entropy contexts of technics. The aim of this thesis is, based on the transformations of technics and its relationality, to reveal the technics’ entropy contexts, on pharmacological basis, which are on the one hand entropic processes generated by capitalist technics in the central formation with total liaison, on the other hand individuating technics in the extensive formation with singular liaison. Thus, by suspending ethics of technics and technology in favor of their ontology and epistemology, it has been tried to open space for politics in this discussion on onto-epistemological ground.