Canlı Böbrek Vericilerde Nefrektomi Sonrası Hemodinamik Değişimlerin Orta Vadede Böbrek ve Kardiyovasküler Sistem Etkileri
living kidney donor (LKD)s have been analyzed retrospectively in order to examine effects of compansatory changes to renal and cardiovascular systems. Male gender, elderly age and basal e-GFR values were found as negatively effective on the last control e-GFR values (in order p=0,01, 0,002 and 0,001). The last control e-GFR values were found lower in low renal volume/BMI ratio (p=0,001).According to predicted proteinuria levels in 24-hour urine samples, donors that have more than 300mg/dl proteinuria in urine was found to be 6,8%. Higher proteinuria levels were detected in bigger kidneys through BMI (p=0,01).Higher growth ratio was observed in smaller kidneys (p=0,001).FMD alteration of was found 12% and lower than healthy individuals (p=0,016).When comparing the last control transthoracic echocardiogram with pre-operative states, left ventricular end-diastolic and end-sistolic dimensions were found lower, left ventricular back wall and septum thickness were in higher (p=0,002-0,026)