Unesco Yaratıcı Kentler Kapsamında Erişilebilirlik ve Ankara İçin Mekansal Öneriler
In the thesis study, the framework of UNESCO's mission and program
called Creative Cities Network, the United Nations' large -scale 2030 global
development plan covering the whole world has been used for the study of
these features and systems in order to scope and apply on Turkey's capital
city of Ankara, and can be an exemplary design city. This thesis is aimed to
present innovative spatial suggestions within the scope of accessibility. For
this purpose, the world leader among the capitals that entered the network
of creative cities, Singapore, the city with similar and opposite features in
urban planning to the thesis topic, Berlin, and Istanbu l, a design city in
Türkiye, will be researched and as a result of the analysis and examination
of the characteristics of the qualitative and quantitative data collected,
methodologically separated and analyzed used as a basis for Ankara. This
thesis implies the importance to categorize and associate data gathered with
the city of Ankara, and to produce spatial accessibility suggestions for
Ankara by compiling the study with the literature review. With the
founding of the Republic of Türkiye, Ankara has tak en up the role of being
the leader and example city and it has been stated that the area where the
problem of accessibility is found in the scope of the examination and
research of the city of Ankara proves the claim of "design for everyone"
and the source of the negativities is not only physical. When the
accessibility criteria in creative cities is evaluated in terms of individuals
using the public space in cities, a "reform" and providing all kinds of
access to public open spaces is necessary for social culture, not only when
implementation periods are evaluated, but also considered in the long term.
In order to be included in the UCCN. Network, it is known that the
cultural-historical-local characteristics of the cities are defined among the
strategies of UNESCO and that these features must be sustainable. In the
study, the creation of the network and its possible benefits for Ankara are
also included. Accessibility, which is seen as a problem for Ankara is to be
included in the Creative Cities Network, is located in the "State District",
which is a triangular area defined by the Parliament building at a high
point, between Atatürk Boulevard and Dikmen road, which starts with the
Monument of Güven in Kızılay, which was chosen as the key and by
examining the positive and negative features experienced today,
suggestions are presented according to the “universal design” criteria.