Akut Böbrek Hasarı Nedenı̇yle Takı̇p Edı̇len Hastalarda Ürı̇ner Sı̇stem Ultrasonografı̇sı̇nı̇n Tanısal Katkısının İncelenmesi
Balkız, Bektaş Can
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Balkiz, B C; Investigation of the Diagnostic Contribution of Urinary System Ultrasonography in Patients Followed for Acute Kidney Injury, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Emergency Medicine Speciality Graduation Thesis. Ankara, 2023. This study aimed to retrospectively predict acute kidney injury, identify
its etiology, and determine when sonographic examinations may be most informative
in patients who presented with acute kidney injury in the emergency department and
underwent urinary system sonographic examinations. The study analyzed the data of
496 patients who were admitted to the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Adult
Emergency Service between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2021. Of these patients, 61.3% (n=304) were male, and 38.7% (n=192) were female. The median age
was 67 years (IQR: 20), and the patients' ages ranged from 18 to 97 years. Among the
cases, 71.8% (n=356) were diagnosed with prerenal acute kidney injury, 15.9% (n=79)
with renal acute kidney injury, and 12.3% (n=61) with postrenal acute kidney injury.
The serum creatinine levels of the patients ranged from 1.00 mg/dL to 12.24 mg/dL,
with a median of 2.08 mg/dL (IQR: 1.68). According to the KDIGO staging, 45.8%
(n=227) of the cases were classified as stage 1, 33.5% (n=166) as stage 2, and 20.8%
(n=103) as stage 3. In this study, it is observed that as the KDIGO stage increases,
renal echogenicity exceeds the normal limits. The frequency of pathological sonographic findings decreased in cases with prerenal acute kidney injury. Therefore,
the study suggests that sonographic examination may be most useful in cases with
suspected renal and postrenal acute kidney injury, where the frequency of pathological
findings obtained by sonographic examination is higher.