Abdullayev E, The Assessment of Iterative Reconstruction Impact on
Diagnostic Image Quality, as well as Demonstration of the Entire Coronary
Artery Segments in Coronary CT Angiography, Hacettepe University,
Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Radiology, Thesis In Radiology,
Ankara, 2017. Our objectives is determine the effect of “Iterative Reconstruction
in Image Space” (IRIS) on image quality by comparing Noise, signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of standard filtered back projection
(FBP) and IRIS algorithm when evaluating coronary arteries and segmental
branches during coronary computed tomographic (CT) angiography. Our
prospective study population consisted of 250 consecutive patients who
underwent coronary CTA for different reasons. Cardiac CT angiography was
performed on a dual-source CT with retrospective ECG-gating and prospective
ECG-triggering. Comparisons of paired results between FBP and IRIS images
were analyzed in terms of image quality in coronary artery segmental branches.
Noise, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were obtained
using the repeated measures from the same locations in both recontractions.
Even though it was not the main goal of our study, the effect of dose
reduction was also observed in our study. Another finding in our study is that
IRIS significantly reduces the image noise and increases SNR and CNR values (p
<0.001). Coronary artery segments were visually assessed by two blinded readers
in both FBP and IRIS. Image quality was graded using a five-point Likert scale.
Average interobserver compliance was 69.52% (ĸ=0.528-0.536, p<0.001). IRIS
significantly improved the image quality of proximal arterial segments, has not
signifitiant impact on better visulization of distal branches.
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